Notorious Boy Kings through History

Emperor Puyi The Last Emperor of China


Emperor Puyi reign began when he was 2 years old.

He was a sadistic ruler who enjoyed the suffering of his people


Charles The Bewitched of Spain


Charles II began his reign when he was 4 years old.

During his reign Spain’s economy suffered as did his people who had to endure hunger and disease.


Donald The Bankrupt


Trump High Chair

Donald was 70 years old when he took over the Presidency.

He will probably do more harm than all of the boy kings before him put together.



Scroll to see the newest member of the endangered species list

Siberian Tiger

Habitat: Russian Far East


Habitat: Southwestern China

Polar Bear

Habitat: Arctic Circle


Habitat: Indonesia and Malaysia

Middle Aged White Male

Habitat: United States of America

Geraldo is now giving out fashion advice

Headline: Geraldo Rivera blames hoodie for Trayvon Martin’s death

Looks Like Testimony To Me.

Something has always bothered me about the O.J. Simpson murder trial.  He asserted his Fifth Amendment Right against self-incrimination and refused to take the stand.  If a defendant does not “take the Fifth” he is open to cross examination.  When Simpson’s attorneys asked him stand up before the jury and try on the gloves he mugged and acted as though he was struggling.  Is seems to me that even though no words were spoken by Simpson and he was not physically “on the stand” his actions amounted to testimony.  I believe that when Simpson left his seat at the defendants table and “tried on” the gloves he effectively waived his Fifth Amendment right.  The Prosecution should have been all over that especially since the verdict was based on “if the glove don’t fit you must acquit.”  Tsk tsk Marsha Clark.




Somehow The Bar Was Set Too Low, It Needs To Be Raised!

These Idiots. I Say Let’s Regulate Them.

Standard and Poor’s is at it again, reeking chaos on the level of Thing One and Thing Two.  They have lowered the credit rating of the United States.  According to the Washington Post, the effect of the downgrade “…could push up borrowing costs for the U.S. government, costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars a year. It could also drive up interest rates for consumers and companies seeking mortgages, credit cards and business loans. “

The people of our nation have struggled long enough with an economy that is on the brink.  Curious thing though, the economy was put on the brink in part by overvalued sub-prime mortgage-backed securities.  And who was responsible for the overrating these mortgage-backed securities…that’s right Standard and Poor’s.


When I was in second grade I learned a most valuable lesson.  We were rehearsing for the winter sing when our music teacher gave us some pointers about being on stage under bright lights.  She told us, “even though we can’t see the audience they can see us…so if you pick your nose, someone will see it!”

Evolution is a bitch.

Modern man’s ancestors originally walked on all fours.   When man started to use tools he needed his hands to work and thus he started to walk upright on just two of his four limbs.  The muscles of the lower back and stomach however did not have time to evolve and strengthen to the new posture.  In other words man stood up too fast and that hurt his back.

Are you my mother?

France is in the process of enacting legislation that would make it illegal to cover ones face.  It is aimed at outlawing the burka ( As reported in the LA Times.) Don’t worry about Halloween, masks used for festival and holidays will still be legal.  The burka and niqab have always been a troublesome issue for me.  A woman’s face is a very important tool when parenting.  A mother’s smile sends a positive message to a child and on the other hand a mother’s frown lets the child know she is displeased.  Imagine a child coming home from school with a mother’s day card and all the child sees from his mom a face full of blue sheet.

And speaking of school, how does a kid know which mom to go home with at carpool time?

If the ‘stache fits….