Notorious Boy Kings through History

Emperor Puyi The Last Emperor of China


Emperor Puyi reign began when he was 2 years old.

He was a sadistic ruler who enjoyed the suffering of his people


Charles The Bewitched of Spain


Charles II began his reign when he was 4 years old.

During his reign Spain’s economy suffered as did his people who had to endure hunger and disease.


Donald The Bankrupt


Trump High Chair

Donald was 70 years old when he took over the Presidency.

He will probably do more harm than all of the boy kings before him put together.



Scroll to see the newest member of the endangered species list

Siberian Tiger

Habitat: Russian Far East


Habitat: Southwestern China

Polar Bear

Habitat: Arctic Circle


Habitat: Indonesia and Malaysia

Middle Aged White Male

Habitat: United States of America

Looks Like Testimony To Me.

Something has always bothered me about the O.J. Simpson murder trial.  He asserted his Fifth Amendment Right against self-incrimination and refused to take the stand.  If a defendant does not “take the Fifth” he is open to cross examination.  When Simpson’s attorneys asked him stand up before the jury and try on the gloves he mugged and acted as though he was struggling.  Is seems to me that even though no words were spoken by Simpson and he was not physically “on the stand” his actions amounted to testimony.  I believe that when Simpson left his seat at the defendants table and “tried on” the gloves he effectively waived his Fifth Amendment right.  The Prosecution should have been all over that especially since the verdict was based on “if the glove don’t fit you must acquit.”  Tsk tsk Marsha Clark.




Somehow The Bar Was Set Too Low, It Needs To Be Raised!

These Idiots. I Say Let’s Regulate Them.

Standard and Poor’s is at it again, reeking chaos on the level of Thing One and Thing Two.  They have lowered the credit rating of the United States.  According to the Washington Post, the effect of the downgrade “…could push up borrowing costs for the U.S. government, costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars a year. It could also drive up interest rates for consumers and companies seeking mortgages, credit cards and business loans. “

The people of our nation have struggled long enough with an economy that is on the brink.  Curious thing though, the economy was put on the brink in part by overvalued sub-prime mortgage-backed securities.  And who was responsible for the overrating these mortgage-backed securities…that’s right Standard and Poor’s.

Nancy Grace and Casey Anthony are one in the same.

Casey Anthony…Nancy Grace…they are the same creature.  Both have voluntarily taken on responsibility and both were disastrous failures. Casey gave birth to a daughter.  As a mom her responsibility was to make sure that her daughter is always under a watchful eye.  Even if we believe her defense team’s explanation that the cause of death was an accidental drowning while Casey sat in the house with her father…Casey is still responsible.  Her daughter was left unattended with fatal results.

Nancy Grace holds herself out as a news reporter.  But what she reports is not even close to news.  Nancy Grace covered the trial gavel to gavel and her message to her viewership even before any evidence was heard was that Casey Anthony was guilty of murder and should get the death penalty. Her commentary was calculated to incite the crowd.  The result was a horde of Casey Anthony haters delivering death threats, and now Casey Anthony life is in jeopardy.

Casey Anthony put her daughter’s life in jeopardy by leaving her unattended in a yard with a swimming pool and Nancy Grace put Casey Anthony’s life in jeopardy by creating a mob of people who have made serious and credible threats to kill Ms. Anthony. Nancy Grace and Casey Anthony are very much alike

Next year on the ballot: viruses are living beings and have the right to vote

Recently I read in a local paper a piece that made me think.  The writer shared with us that on a recent night at 10 pm when she was letting the dogs out for one last time before they were to come in for the night she accidentally stepped on something that crunched.  The crunch under her flip-flops sent pangs of horror though her.  She turned on an outside light and saw that indeed she had crushed a snail.  The author saw nearby a “baby” snail “just as big as a minute” and felt like she had “ruined a family.”  She explains that with age she has gained a respect for life and that she has no business deciding when a life ends.  She admits to having arachnophobia but explains that when she sees a spider she gets a cup and a piece of hard paper and relocates the spider outside the walls of her home.

Most of the time animal rights people take things a little too far.  I object to the projection of human emotions on animals.  I think that it is disrespectful to the animal and very manipulative.  Maybe that mother snail was abusive in which case that baby was grateful for the loss of that parent. And instead of ruining a family the author had given the baby a bright future full of potential.  Now it could grow up to be a snail doctor or snail lawyer.

Where does the author  draw the line?  I wonder when the author gets strep throat if she takes antibiotics.  Bacteria are living.  If she takes the antibiotics she has caused the cessation of a life.

We need to be respectful of all living things but we don’t need to hold a funeral when we kill an insect.

If the ‘stache fits….