The rules applied to normal people don’t apply to Donald Trump. I say when he goes low we go lower.

Trump’s a bully plain and clear.  Right now his bullying of North Korea is seriously scary. And not only has he been financially bankrupt, he is also morally, emotionally, ethically and  intellectually bankrupt for starters.  From now on he shall be known as “Bankrupt Donald” or “Trump the Bankrupt” or “Donald Bankrupt Trump.”

Notorious Boy Kings through History

Emperor Puyi The Last Emperor of China


Emperor Puyi reign began when he was 2 years old.

He was a sadistic ruler who enjoyed the suffering of his people


Charles The Bewitched of Spain


Charles II began his reign when he was 4 years old.

During his reign Spain’s economy suffered as did his people who had to endure hunger and disease.


Donald The Bankrupt


Trump High Chair

Donald was 70 years old when he took over the Presidency.

He will probably do more harm than all of the boy kings before him put together.



Somebody needs to be the grown-up